Welcome to CodePen Powered By ComputeNepal!





What is Codepen by ComputeNepal?

Codepen is an online code editor that provides you with a development environment inside the browser only. If you want to use the codepen by computenepal, you can just visit codepen.computenepal.com. This codepen (online code editor) allows you to code HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without needing to download any of the computer programs. At this time also, many people are away from the reach of computers or laptops. As a contribution for the solution for those who have an interest regarding coding and web development but are out of reach of computers and laptops, now anyone can use this codepen (online code editor) on any device including mobile, computers, laptops, etc. As a small contribution regarding this issue, ComputeNepal has created this codepen (online code editor). This online tool of codepen (online code editor) supports HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Also, it features syntax highlighting.

How to use codepen by ComputeNepal?

As soon as you visit codepen.computenepal.com, you will see a welcome message and a run button below the message. Also, you will see 3 text fields, with each heading (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). The first field belongs to HTML, the second belongs to CSS, and the third belongs to JavaScript. In the HTML field, you should code the syntax after in between body tag. After you write HTML code, you can start with the CSS field. And then finish with JavaScript. After you complete coding in all the fields, you have to click the run button at the top. After clicking the run button, you have to scroll downwards to see the preview in the Output panel.